1. 存储与配送一体
The incorporation of store and distribution: the shuttle travels underneath the pallet, achieves rail switching in place, carries the pallet to the designated station without extra handling.
2. 智能交通动态管理:
除了大鹿智造的deer-wcs系统外,四向穿梭车也自带设备控制系统,提前设置好包含现场仓库实时地图,实现信息自动记录与反馈,wcs系统对四向车进行路径规划,与多台四向车的防撞 , wcs较好地集成四向车,使得wcs系统能够对对货位和设备状态更快的实时反馈。
Smart traffic dynamically management:Device is equipped with internal control system, built-in warehouse navigation, automatic recording and information feedback, routing optimization and update, real-time feedback of the status of cargo and equipment.
3. 模块化配置:
Modular configuration: The modular configuration achieves easier replacement and maintenance.
4. 平面密集:
Intensive-Plane: Single-layout storage can achieve different combination of single deep-seat and multi deep-seat; then it can provide most ideal product strategy for the commodity of the storage.
5. 立体配置:
Stereo configuration: The storage levels will be modified by evaluating the height of plant and cargo, achieving stereo intensive intelligent storage, even for the low-height storage section.
6. 可拓展性:
Expandability:Regulating the number of equipment accrods to the warehouse efficiency. In addition, the completed project remains flexibility for future extension with short implementation period and no influence on the original execution.